Apple scrap vinegar is easy to make and it has so many different uses! Better yet, it’s healthy and full of good probiotics when it also has “the mother.” Homemade apple scrap vinegar might sound difficult to make but it is truly so very simple. It only uses three ingredients. The only thing you need a little extra of when making you own apple scrap vinegar at home is patience as it takes a few weeks for the vinegar to fully form. But this type of apple vinegar is my favorite to make as it is made from apple scraps that would otherwise just be thrown away! It’s a great no waste hack! If this sounds interesting, be sure to read on to learn how to make apple scrap vinegar in your own kitchen!

What is Apple Scrap Vinegar
Apple Scrap Vinegar is a vinegar that is made from fermented apples or in this case apple peelings and cores. This vinegar has a tangy sweet taste and it’s packed full of probiotics. Apple Scrap Vinegar is healthiest when it contains “the mother.” “The mother” is the culture of good bacteria that forms in the last week of the process of making the vinegar. Apple scrap vinegar with the mother will look cloudy and murky.
The fermentation process is achieved through the use of sugar. Although sugar is added to the apple peelings and water, there is actually no sugar left in the vinegar once the process is complete. Over the few weeks that the fermentation is taking place, the sugar in the mixture converts to ethanol alcohol. This is the first step in the fermentation process. The second step is the final step where the ethanol alcohol is converted to acetic acid which is also when “the mother” develops.
Apple scrap vinegar is different from apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, as the name suggests, is made from apple cider. The process of making this type of vinegar involves crushing the apples to expel the juice. This juice is then fermented with yeast and sugar. Apple scrap vinegar is slightly weaker than it’s apple cider vinegar counterpart, but still a very useful product.

Why Make Your Own Homemade Apple Scrap Vinegar
So why make your own apple scrap vinegar at home anyway? Well like you already learned apple scrap vinegar and apple cider vinegar are healthy! It’s a great product to have on hand. It has so many uses including salad dressings and marinades.
Making apple scrap vinegar is a great way to use up otherwise pretty useless scraps. Why not put them to use?! Finally, good quality apple cider vinegar from the store can run 5 dollars for just a quart. The recipe below yields a little over a quart, and it costs basically nothing. A few cents for the sugar and water and the scraps of apple peelings, and you have high quality apple scrap vinegar in your pantry to use whenever!

What You’ll Need
To make this homemade apple scrap vinegar, you will need apples or apple peelings/cores, water, and cane sugar.
Personally, I prefer to use just apple peelings and cores as this is a great way to use up something that would have just gone to waste. If your family is like mine, you might go through apples pretty regularly.
If that’s the case, whenever you peel and core an apple, simply save the cores and peelings in the fridge for up to a week. Then once you have enough peelings and cores use them to make your vinegar.
You could of course use the entire apple, but why not just use the scraps!
In addition to the apple peelings and cores, you’ll need filtered water and cane sugar. I recommend going with an organic cane sugar for the healthiest vinegar as well as any additives in conventional sugar having an adverse effect on the vinegar process.
The tools you’ll need to complete the project are a half gallon glass jar, a wooden spoon, and a pot, strainer, and cheese cloth for straining the liquid off once complete.

How to Make Apple Scrap Vinegar
- Add the apple peelings and cores to a half gallon jar until it is filled about 2/3 of the way.
- Fill the jar almost full with filtered water until there is about an inch left at the top. (You need to leave some room because the vinegar will form bubbles during the process)

- Add 1/4 cup cane sugar to the jar.

- Thoroughly stir the contents of the jar.
- Leave the jar sitting at room temperature for three weeks stirring thoroughly every day.

- Line a strainer with a cheesecloth and add it to a large pot.
- Strain the vinegar from the peelings and cores.

- Store the vinegar in a glass jar in the pantry for up to a year.
How To Use Your Vinegar
You can use this vinegar in a variety of ways. Use it in a vinaigrette to add some natural fruity sweet flavors. Use it to marinate your meats for delicious flavor. Add a tablespoon to a glass of water for a sweet tangy flavor. Try making homemade cleaning products from the vinegar. Or add 1/4 cup to a mason jar, and fill the mason jar with water. You can even heavily dilute a small amount in a spray bottle and use it to fertilize your plants. Use the mixture as a hair rinse after washing your hair! As you can see there are so many uses for your creation!
If you try this homemade vinegar and it’s one of your favorites, tag me in a post on Instagram or Facebook @almostheavenhomesteading
Be sure to save this pin to your board of ideas for inspiration and for easy access!

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